NEW TIME| SM 24 Hip Hop 3 | Mondays | 5:00-6:00| 9-12 yrs | July 8-Aug 5|

 NEW TIME | SM 24   Hip Hop 3 | Mondays | 5:00-6:00 | 9-12 yrs | July 8-Aug 5
WSPA Summer Classes can be pro-rated by using the link on our landing page or below:


Instructor: Heather Gonzalez, WSPA Dance Faculty


Hip Hop 3  is a beginner-intermediate class that does not require previous hip-hop experience. This class will be taught at a fast-paced, strenuous level. Dynamic energy and a quick ear for musicality and coordination.

Attire: Sneakers, comfortable clothing, hair back out of the face, T-shirts, jeans, sweats.