Dorienne Raynolds
Dorienne Raynolds graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Dance. Dorienne is classically trained and began her studies in the Royal Academy of Dance Syllabus. She completed with merit all exams and performed in the Solo Seal performance. She then when on to explore the world of modern dance and had the opportunity to perform great works by Zvi Gotheiner, Vaslav Nijinshy, Doris Humphrey, Lar Lubovitch and Jose Limón. She has also worked with local choreographers Corrie Befort, Rob Kitsos, Alice De Muizon, Hannah Wiley and Paige Barnes. She has presented her own choreographic works in 12 Minutes Max and Velocity’s Under Construction. She also went back to school to for her Apparel design degree and currently works as a clothing designer for Cutter & Buck. She is very excited to get back into the classroom.